January’s Featured Artist: Laurel Kubby

Beadology Iowa 355 S. Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA, United States

Laurel's speciality is 3-dimensional contemporary geometric seed bead work.  She is very interested in the design process and beading techniques.  She also enjoys kumihimo and bead crochet.  Laurel has been a finalist and winner in several beading and kumihimo contests.  Her work can be seen throughout January during regular business hours.


Zodiac Series: Vase of Aquarius

Beadology Iowa 355 S. Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA, United States

In the second of a yearlong series, make jewelry projects that correspond to the current Zodiac sign.  January’s sign is Aquarius.  Learn or hone your brick stitch skills.  Follow a pattern to create a water vase.  Get great tips and tricks to making flowing fringe that looks like water pouring from the vase.  Tune in...


Intro to Boro Hollow Glass

Beadology Iowa 355 S. Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA, United States

Learn how to manipulate borosilicate glass tubing.  Participants will learn to stretch, blow, and embellish tube glass.  No experience needed.  Instructor: Tyson Whitehill. Must be at least 15 years old to participate. Registration is $128 and includes all materials, instruction, use of studio and tools, and annealing.  Register in person, via phone at 319 338-1566,...


Netted Flower Earrings through Kirkwood

Beadology Iowa 355 S. Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA, United States

Use a Huichol inspired netting stitch and an ombre cast of colors to make these flower earrings.  Once you learn the basic pattern, experiment with endless variations for this project including adding fringe or a larger bead in the center.  No experience needed. $35 instructor fee/$35 materials fee.
