(Iowa City, IA) (September 12, 2024) – In partnership with the City of Iowa City, the Iowa City Downtown District (ICDD) is excited to announce a new banner design contest to celebrate the arts and culture of Iowa City. This project, funded by the City of Iowa City, invites talented artists to create vibrant and captivating designs for banners that will be displayed at the 21 S Linn St lot in Downtown Iowa City while the area is under construction. The theme for the banner designs is “Iowa City Arts & Culture,” highlighting the rich diversity and creativity that define our community.
Eleven designs will be selected, and each chosen artist will receive a $200 stipend per banner design. The selected artwork will be professionally printed on high-quality fabric banners measuring 66” x 132” inches and hanging horizontally. Artists are encouraged to create bold, eye-catching designs that can be easily viewed from a distance, with minimal text and no commercial content. Submissions may include photography, digital art, collage, painting, illustration, or printmaking. Artists interested in applying can learn more about the requirements and submit designs via this form.
– *Please note, the application requests artists to upload files of their designs via a Google form. Because of this, users may need to sign in to see the application. All application information is listed below
– If you have trouble uploading designs, you can also email files to info@downtowniowacity.com
Call for Artists: Design a Banner for 21 S Linn St Lot in Downtown Iowa City
The banners will enliven the 21 S Linn St site while the City of Iowa City moves forward with its plans for redevelopment. The City recently issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to private developers for a mixed-use development of the 21 S Linn Street space. The RFP calls for a project that supports the long-term vibrancy of downtown and incorporates engaging commercial uses, a mix of market-rate and affordable housing, and high-quality, sustainable construction. See more details about the project and full RFP on the City’s website.
The 21 S Linn St project reflects the City’s commitment to facilitating private redevelopment in a way that benefits the broader community, generating property tax revenue that will be reinvested in critical public services. Located near key public facilities like the Tower Place Parking Ramp, Iowa City Senior Center, and Iowa City Public Library, 21 S Linn Street is set to become a focal point of downtown’s continued growth and vitality.
“While we continue through the process of redeveloping 21 S. Linn Street in a way that benefits our community, we’re excited to be partnering with the Downtown District to activate this corner with local art in the meantime,” said Rachel Kilburg, Economic Development Coordinator from the City of Iowa City. “This is a great example of how you can always find something new to explore in our vibrant Downtown!”
The new banners will add to the vibrant visual landscape of the Downtown Iowa City Cultural & Entertainment District, which was officially designated by the State of Iowa in 2022. This designation recognizes Downtown Iowa City as a premier destination for arts and culture, featuring a dynamic mix of flagship cultural facilities, restaurants, music venues, historic theaters, and more—all within a walkable 26-block area that sits at the doorstep of the University of Iowa and the UNESCO City of Literature headquarters.
With renowned venues like the Stanley Museum of Art, Voxman School of Music, and the historic Englert Theatre, the Downtown Iowa City Cultural & Entertainment District is a beacon for artists, creatives, and cultural enthusiasts from near and far. The banners will reflect the spirit and energy of this district, celebrating the unique character that makes Iowa City the “Greatest Small City for the Arts.” To learn more about the Cultural & Entertainment District, visit www.xmarksthearts.com.
ICDD and the City of Iowa City invite local artists to contribute their creativity and be part of this exciting initiative to enhance the visual appeal of Downtown Iowa City.

- Applications open | September 10, 2024
- Application closes midnight | September 30, 2024
- Artist/Artwork Selected | October 3, 2024
- Banners Installed | November 2024
Guidelines for Submittals:
- The banner theme is “Iowa City Arts & Culture”.
- The finished banners are 66”x132” inches and hangs horizontal
- Selected artwork will be professionally printed digitally on a high-quality fabric banner
- Designs should be suitably bold as to be visible from a distance
- Text should be minimal, and cannot include: names of businesses, products or commercial aspects. Keep in mind that letters need to be large to be readable
- Portraits of specific individuals are discouraged. If images of real living people are included, the artist must obtain a release from these people for the images to be used in this way. The artist must also obtain all releases necessary for text or poetry.
- Photography
- Digital Art
- Collage
- Painting and Illustration
- Printmaking
Designs are not allowed to:
- Advertising or commercial promotions
- Political advertising for candidates or issues
- Solicitations for fundraising or charitable contributions
- Religious holidays or events
- Expressions of opinions or beliefs
- Works containing controversial images that are offensive in nature will not be accepted
Selection Process:
The Iowa City Downtown District selection committee will review all proposals received by the deadline. The committee reserves the right to reject any and all submissions.
The following criteria will be used for evaluating and selecting designs:
1) is the design engaging and high quality in concept?
2) Is the image interesting and unique?
3) Does the image work within the concept of the “theme”
4) Does the image draw in the viewer and provoke positive community ideals?
All selected artists will be notified no later than October 3rd via email. All selected artists will receive a $200 stipend per design selected. Artists can be chosen for up to 3 different designs.
All winning artwork becomes property of the Iowa City Downtown District, with credit given to the artist. The final artwork will be printed in consultation with selected artists. The Iowa City Downtown District and City of Iowa City will cover all costs for printing and installing banners.