The Iowa City Downtown District is excited to announce the new Downtown Iowa City StoryWalk®! For the month of April, kids and families are invited to take a walk through Downtown and the Northside neighborhoods as they read pages from a book displayed in shop windows. For the safety of kids and attendees, the event can be enjoyed outside in the open air. To start the walk, kids and families can pick up the official map at the starting location and follow the marked path from store to store to read the book.
The Downtown Iowa City StoryWalk® will have two routes available. We Are Water Protectors, an award-winning children’s book written by Carole Lindstrom, will have 18 stops throughout Downtown. Some Dinosaurs are Small, written by Charlotte Voake, will be another route that will take you through the Northside. Both routes are approximately 1 mile long and you are able to enjoy the books at your own pace. Kids and families will be able to submit their map at the end of each route for a chance to win a copy of the books and a prize. Books are available for purchase at Prairie Lights Bookstore.
Downtown Iowa City StoryWalk®
- Approximately 1 mile and will take about 20 minutes to complete
- Book: We are Water Protectors – Written by Carole Lindstrom and illustrated by Michaela Goade
- Reading level 7 – 12 years old
Northside StoryWalk®
- Approximately .7 miles and will take about 15 minutes to complete
- Book: Some Dinosaurs are Small – Written by Charlotte Voake
- Reading level 7 – 12 years old
As a way to help promote reading and exercise, the StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT. It was developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg Hubbard Library. The Iowa City Downtown District is excited to introduce this new event for the community to enjoy this Spring as the weather warms up.
Stay tuned as the official map and routes will be released next week!
Download the official map here! Print it out at home or grab a copy in the lobby of the Iowa City Public Library.