it’s a fine thing

Stanley Museum of Art 160 West Burlington Street, Iowa City, IA, United States

On View February 13, 2025 - July 20, 2025 Curated by Katherine Simóne Reynolds and supported by a five-person curatorial cohort of advisors, it's a fine thing explores the rich and often...

Beyond the Codex: The Work of Peter and Donna Thomas

Main Library Gallery, University of Iowa Libraries 125 W Washington St, Iowa City, IA, United States

Book artist Peter Thomas will talk about how he has used book structure and binding techniques to add depth of meaning to his artwork and enhance viewers’ understanding of it....


Art & Write Night

University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums Iowa City, IA, United States

Join the long, rich, historical tradition of artists creating in our spaces. Professional, aspiring, and amateur artists alike, make our museum your muse. The return of this popular program series welcomes...

Art & Write Night

University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums Iowa City, IA, United States

Join the long, rich, historical tradition of artists creating in our spaces. Professional, aspiring, and amateur artists alike, make our museum your muse. The return of this popular program series welcomes...

Art & Write Night

University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums Iowa City, IA, United States

Join the long, rich, historical tradition of artists creating in our spaces. Professional, aspiring, and amateur artists alike, make our museum your muse. The return of this popular program series welcomes...