Preucil School of Music 50th Anniversary Concert Featuring Alumni & Friends

Englert Theatre 221 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA 52240, IOWA CITY, IA, United States

The third concert in our Alumni and Friends Concert Series will feature pianist and Preucil alum, Orion Weiss. The show will be at The Englert Theatre, Saturday March 8, and is free and open to the public.

Orion Weiss

Englert Theatre 221 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA 52240, IOWA CITY, IA, United States

Concert pianist Orion Weiss has received rave reviews as he appeared with all the major orchestras of North America. Recitals and Chamber Music performances have taken him around the world. At a recent appearance with the Cleveland Orchestra a concertgoer was heard to exclaim “I have never heard such a beautiful tone”. Come and bask...

An Evening With John Green

Englert Theatre 221 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA 52240, IOWA CITY, IA, United States

An Evening with John Green In Conversation with Kaveh Akbar for Everything Is Tuberculosis Join #1 internationally bestselling author John Green and Kaveh Akbar to discuss John’s new book, Everything Is Tuberculosis: The History and Persistence of Our Deadliest Infection. The pair will discuss the book, answer audience questions, and more. All tickets include an autographed copy...
