To Iowans, there is nothing more important than family, friends, and community. During times of tragedy, we are resilient, we are strong, and we are proud. While every community throughout the world is weathering a Great Big Storm right now, here in the Iowa City area we will be Holding Our Own by supporting local businesses, helping those in need, and working together so that we come out BETTER TOGETHER.
Thanks to the support from MidWestOne Bank, West Bank, GreenState Credit Union, Great Western Bank, Hills Bank, Two Rivers Bank, U.S. Bank and CBI Bank and Trust, and other area partners, the Project Better Together team has created a community-wide Shop Local program to help encourage and motivate local spending at Johnson County local businesses. The Holding Our Own Shop Local program intends to motivate over $1,000,000 of local spending through showcasing and incentivizing dollars spent. Starting June 22nd, for every $150 spent shopping local, receive a $20 gift card of YOUR choice to a local business. Plus an additional $5 will be automatically donated to the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and Immigrant Business Grant Fund.
How it Works
- Customers submit your receipts of $150 – $10,000 via this form. Up to THREE receipts totaling $150 (or more) can be submitted. Receipts can be made up of any amounts.
- Receipts must be readable and itemized. Date, name of the business, and the full total must be included.
- Taxes, delivery fees, and shipping are not eligible for the purchase total.
- If receipts are valid, you will receive a “Thank you for supporting local” email with an individual custom code. This code will be specific to you and your submission. The code will be valid for $20 or more depending on the total of the receipt submitted.
- For example: The code will be valid for a $20 gift card if the total receipts are $150-$299 OR The code will be valid for two $20 gift cards if the total is $300-$450, etc.
- Once the code is received, visit, select gift card(s) from the inventory, check out, add code, & done!
- You will receive your gift card in 5-7 days!
Qualified Businesses
- Purchases to get to the $150 total must be from a locally-owned business that has been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 restrictions with a brick and mortar business address within Johnson County.
- Receipts NOT eligible for the program include purchases *including but not limited to drug stores, weapons, groceries, vehicles, homes, fuel, home improvement materials, utilities, tobacco products, medications, or copays.